Sunday, December 2, 2012

Peter Tunney, Skull Etchings

The above image is the original mixed media art work by Peter Tunney, I chose the most difficult "Skull Session" piece to use for the etching. This piece was used for Peter's Skull  Session book that  was released earlier this year.The original size was 30" x 40"

This is the image I modified to 100% black and white to accommodate the metal etching process. I added a vignette as it really makes the finished product "Pop".

Here is a photo of the finished etching done on marine grade stainless steel.
The size is a whopping 48" x 58". I f you may be interested this particular work is now available directly through Lewis-Horn LLC. 

Check out the details on the edge burnt book pages, all the copy is legible. The three layers of art were achieved through a five step process.

 The final touch of course is Peter's signature.

Lewis-Horn LLC is proud to collaborate with Peter and are cooking up some more projects in with him.
You can see more of Peter's amazing work at his galleries in New York City and Miami Beach.

Christian Lewis